Right now is a critical time in the church launch phase. Like Paul said “pray for us…that doors be opened for us…” Hong Kong, has few options for rent that will work for a church launch the size of what God has put on our hearts.
But in one particular University that God has put on our hearts, we are working with department heads, lecturers, and students that are excited about the opportunity to help us launch a life-giving church right here on their campus! However, the auditorium we’d need to use is in heavy demand. But after searching for many months, we believe there may be an opening in early 2018.
We believe all obstacles can be overcome through prayer. Would you stand in agreement with us in prayer this facility would be opened up for the church launch?

This is a photo of the HKDI building, Hong Kong Design Institute, and we are one approval away from making this our launch point!
This aerial view photo of Tseung Kwan O will help you get the idea of how tight and competitive the battle for space is (the green areas are actually quite mountainous.)

Launch Budget
We are excited to update that approx $85,000 has come in towards the church launch! A big thank you to all who’ve already given. These donations have come in from over 60 different pastors, businessmen, and individuals from across the USA and Hong Kong.
We still need help! If you have already committed to give to the launch—please send it in. If you haven’t considered it we just ask you to ask God if He would have you do anything to help us, then do it!—no pressure.
This is the largest step our family has ever undertaken in the last 17 years of full-time ministry and it will have unmeasurable effect. The people in Hong Kong and China are so open to the Gospel. The harvest is ripe and now is the time to act!

Thank you for standing with us and helping to carry the vision to reach Hong Kong and China for Jesus!
Steve and Sharmin and the Fischer Family
Hong Kong, China!