Three Things You Need to Know About China (1/3)
As we see “China” in prime-time news nearly every day in the USA, here is the first of three important facts to help you understand the spiritual climate of this great nation.
Fact # 1 of 3

It’s hard to believe that in today’s high-tech, modern world this could be true. But unfortunately it is. Based on the ratio of children to adults in China (about 1 to 5), this fact also shows that tens of millions of these who’ve never heard are children.
The 10/40 window (which China is in) is home to 4.89 billion people. Only 1% of foreign missions funding goes to people, like these in the mini-movie, who’ve never heard about Jesus.
Our biggest need is for sustained, monthly support. This allows us to live full-time on the mission field, devoting all of our time and efforts to plowing new ground on the front-lines.
We ask that you would become a monthly donor. Whether it’s $500, $200, $100, $50, $10 or $5, every commitment matters!
If you would like to take this step, please click here to set up your first gift!
Together we can continue to reach the Chinese who’ve never heard! We are so thankful for you, our partners, who’ve chosen to carry this cause with us…
Much Love,
Steve and Sharmin and the Fischer Family
Hong Kong, China