We’ve Never Seen This Happen Before In China…

Before we get to the exciting part, you need to understand the context of this story:
00.2% is the total Christian population in a city in southwestern China where our recent China Missions teams have gone.
500,000 people and less than 1,000 Christians.
This is why China Missions is so important. Because over 200 million people in China have never heard the name of Jesus even once.
But in the midst of such spiritual darkness, something happened here that we have never seen before: we were able to openly share the Gospel without any restraint in a large kindergarten! In over fifteen years in China, we have not seen this type of ministry done before in a formal school setting. The kids, 2-5 years old, had never heard the name of Jesus. But after the songs, crafts, clown skit, and sharing, 173 kindergarteners prayed to receive Jesus!
This area has now gone from 00.20% to 00.23% Christian!
The Principal of the kindergarten was deeply moved and said that the China Missions Team inspired him with new ways to teach the kids. We believe that these “open doors” for the Gospel are a direct result of your prayers. We could not do it without you!
We also went into the mountain villages, orphanages, and house churches. In one of the orphanages, the leaders of the registered church came and met us. We had a mini-revival because after years of seed sown, they were finally open to receiving the Holy Spirit.
Rice, Bibles and most importantly, the Gospel, was taken to the rural villages of this area of China.
Thank you for standing with us here on the mission field. And a special thank you to all those who’ve come out on a China Missions trip.
Together we can evangelize and disciple the next generation of unreached Chinese people!
Blessings from Hong Kong,
Steve and Sharmin Fischer and the Fischer Family
PS. More updates to come on the church launch and our recent team up with Global Ventures for a big impact in Hong Kong and China!